Мануальная терапия
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Мануальная терапия

Manipulation - a complex of the biomechanical receptions directed on elimination of a pain and restoration of mobility of joints and a backbone carried out by hands. Procedures М.т. I am somewhat reminiscent of massage, differing from him{it} the limited localization of sites of application and dosed out force of influence. (Dictionary) Подробнее...

For a long time the pain was realized by the person as one of principal causes of suffering, sensation of discomfort in a life. For the majority of people the pain was the habitual satellite - that norm which was not exposed to judgement. And absence of a pain was considered as ideal health. Подробнее...

Today all is more and more doctors come to understanding of necessity of the complex approach in work with a pain. The direction of work of the healer is focused to adequately to understand the reasons causing a pain - i.e. those дисбаллансов in complex{difficult} system of a human body which the body of the person "marks" a pain. Подробнее...

The painful pulse from the struck site of a body is transferred in a brain which organizes response - reduction of muscles. The volume of reduction depends on force of a pain and size of the struck site. Подробнее...

One of the most widespread similar infringements is the pathology of a backbone. This group includes weight of various infringements and diseases, since the usual functional block of one of позвоночных segments, various variations of defeat of an intervertebral disk (including a hernia of a disk) and finishing the diseases amazing all spine column (first of all, it it is an osteochondrosis). Подробнее...

The first amazing factor resulting{bringing} in occurrence of a pain, the direct infringement of a nerve is at his{its} output{exit} from a spine column. Under influence of pathological pulses from a site of a jamming in muscles there are centers of the pressure{voltage}, at times a proof spasm. Consequence{investigation} of it is impossibility of a muscle to be reduced and relax to the full. In a muscle there are zones of a local pressure{voltage}, painful{unhealthy} at a touch. They constantly produce the painful pulses resulting{bringing} gradually to дисбаллансу both in the muscle, and in various areas, fabrics and the bodies connected to it{her}. Подробнее...

Feeling a pain, our body tries to protect the struck site of a backbone, transferring loadings from sick muscles on healthy just as, owing to a trauma of a leg{foot} the person starts "to preserve" once injured leg{foot} subconsciously. Thus position of a basin varies, and loading on all backbone is redistributed - it{he} is bent, < twists the screw >, and from asymmetrical muscular loading on separate позвонки their independent displacement begins. Подробнее...

In the beginning it really facilitates a condition and reduces a pain. But if this process proceeds for a long time enough, the vicious circle each time includes all lot of muscles which owing to an overload cease to carry out the function and pathological process is started again and again, breaking eventually normal work of all organism. Подробнее...

To facilitate sufferings of the person and to help an organism with restoration of his{its} normal functions, the complex of special actions on improvement of the backbone, named "manipulation" is developed. Подробнее...

Correction of a backbone is made by physical manipulations with a body of the patient. It can be influence on separate позвонки, or on the whole departments of a backbone. As a rule, any mechanical adaptations, tools are not used - all "toolkit" of the doctor is reduced to his{its} hands and fingers. As a result of manipulation - on a problem department of a backbone the condition позвонков, the disks surrounding them of fabrics, nerves and vessels is possible to change influences by hands. Подробнее...

Procedures of manipulation are usually carried out{usually spent} not daily, and with an interval from 1 till 7 days. The matter is that muscles and связкам need some time "to be tightened and fix the achieved position and consequently the following session is recommended to be carried out{be spent} only in 40-48 hours. Подробнее...

Rather frequently after a session of manipulation there are muscular pains in those sites of a back where something has been corrected. It is natural: one groups of muscles began to work, strain, and hurt just as muscles after amplified{strengthened} training feel like. Other muscles on the contrary - got rid of constant unreasonable loading, and the effect similar to a volume as < a leg{foot} has stayed > here works, has straightened, and in it{her} the weight of unpleasant sensations is formed. All these effects and quickly pass, but it is possible to speed up removal of unpleasant sensations by local massage, or simply "working" as painful{unhealthy} muscles, in every possible way stretching and straining separate groups of muscles. The main thing, it is necessary to remember, that treatment gives a positive effect only joint efforts of the doctor and the patient. Подробнее...

At successful passage of a necessary rate of therapy (with observance рекомедаций and studying of ways of independent correction) occur the big changes in all shape of the patient - changes gait, is corrected a bearing, many leave, becoming already habitual problems with health. Подробнее...

Thus, manipulation not only is an independent, effective method of treatment of diseases of a backbone, but in a combination to various methods of medical and improving massage can be applied as a component of complex - regenerative treatment and to be used with a view of preventive maintenance of many diseases. Подробнее...