Мануальная терапия
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лечение герпес на половых органах

In large складках leather{skin} appear fine about the pin head пузырьки or пустулы which are quickly opened, on their place the erosion quickly increasing in size, merging among themselves are formed. The centers of defeat borrow{occupy} a significant surface, have precise borders, wrong outlines, dark red color, brilliant, with a damp surface, a strip of an exfoliating horn layer эпидермиса. Around of the large centers there are new fine erosion. At children process from large складок can be distributed to a leather{skin} of hips, buttocks, a stomach, a trunk. In depth складок painful{unhealthy} cracks are sometimes formed. Подробнее...

Кандидозный the sepsis represents генерализованную the form of a candidiasis, is characterized by a heavy general{common} condition of the patient, гектической a fever, formation{education} of abscesses in various bodies (in kidneys, a liver, a pancreas, a brain, muscles, etc.), is quite often accompanied by a purulent meningitis, бородавчато-ulcer эндокардитом. The forecast in many cases adverse. Подробнее...