Мануальная терапия
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- Гирудотерапия
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- Сексопатология

ногтевой грибок

At known этиологии the choice of a preparation is defined{determined} by a kind of the mushroom allocated by culture. At онихомикозе, caused only дерматофитами (which meet in overwhelming majority of cases), appoint preparations тербинафин and гризеофульвин. At онихомикозе, caused mushrooms Candida and at кандидной паронихии appoint флуконазол, итраконазол or кетоконазол. At онихомикозе, caused плесневыми mushrooms недерматофитами, appoint итраконазол. Подробнее...

Патогенез. The factors promoting development of disease, till now precisely are not established, however disease meets at the persons, suffering raised{increased} потливостью, change of a chemical compound of sweat, diseases of a gastroenteric path, эндокринной a pathology, vegetovascular infringements, and also at immune insufficiency is more often. Подробнее...