врач лечащий герпес
Этиология and патогенез. As the reason of disease are considered пропионовые the bacteria living in sebaceous glands and eating their secret. Most are frequently observed usual (or vulgar) угри, developing at young men and girls on a background себореи on the person, a breast, and also "dark blue" угри, arising as a result of the raised{increased} function of sebaceous glands and change of structure of their secret. Подробнее...
At known этиологии the choice of a preparation is defined{determined} by a kind of the mushroom allocated by culture. At онихомикозе, caused only дерматофитами (which meet in overwhelming majority of cases), appoint preparations тербинафин and гризеофульвин. At онихомикозе, caused mushrooms Candida and at кандидной паронихии appoint флуконазол, итраконазол or кетоконазол. At онихомикозе, caused плесневыми mushrooms недерматофитами, appoint итраконазол. Подробнее...