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герпес воспаление лимфатических узлов

At a candidiasis of nail platens and nails all over again carry out{spend} anti-inflammatory treatment of the platen with the help of applications with pure{clean} ихтиолом which are done{made} 1 time day, before removal of the inflammatory phenomena. Then apply антимикотические means (клотримазол, оксиконазол, кетоконазол, etc.) to local application, rubring them under the platen and around of him{it}. Procedures carry out{spend} 2 times day, in the evening preparations it is possible to apply under окклюзионную a bandage. At involving in process of a nail plate it is necessary to remove infected sites after a softening кератолитическими means (2 % уреапласт, бифоназол in a set for treatment of nails) and further to carry out{spend} treatment nail a box антимикотиками for external application. Therapy continue up to the sanction of clinical displays and отрастания a healthy nail plate. In case of an inefficiency of local therapy appoint антимикотики system action: флуконазол, итраконазол on a method пульсотерапии within 2-3 months. Подробнее...

The term " угревая illness " has appeared at experts not so long ago. It{he} specifies that occurrence угрей is not only occurrence certain{determined} высыпных elements, but also change of a condition of all organism. That is why knowledge of this disease are necessary not only to дермато-venereologists and cosmeticians, but also doctors of all specialities - for gynecologists, эндокринологам, to urologists, therapists, etc. Угревая a rash - the phenomenon, characteristic not only for teenage age. Угри can appear and at adults - as a rule, on a background эндокринных diseases at which there is a condition себореи. Therefore, if угри are observed at the adult patient, it{he} is necessary for surveying for exception эндокринной pathologies. Quite often @ clinical picture угревой can prompt a rash presence of accompanying disease. So, for example, the arrangement угрей at women around of a mouth and on a chin quite often specifies a pathology яичников (поликистоз яичников or a so-called syndrome поликистозных яичников - поликистоз in a combination with ановуляторными менструальными cycles and, quite often, with гирсутизмом). In case of resistant to therapy угревой illness at adult women should exclude also tumours of an adrenal gland or яичника. At men a principal cause угрей is change of a parity{ratio} various андрогенов. Are described угри at sportsmen and the body builders accepting anabolic стероиды (so-called bodybuilding acne). Подробнее...