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внутренние заболевания герпеса

Акне in general elements harmless, but nevertheless it is necessary to know the disturbing symptoms demanding survey of the doctor. It when угрями the big sites of a leather{skin} are struck, their occurrence is accompanied by the raised{increased} temperature, угри big (about a cherry and more) and painful{unhealthy}. Also should guard morbidity in the field of lymph nodes on a neck, under a jaw, before an auricle (reaction лимфоузлов, speaking about expressivenesses of an inflammation). Подробнее...

In large складках leather{skin} appear fine about the pin head пузырьки or пустулы which are quickly opened, on their place the erosion quickly increasing in size, merging among themselves are formed. The centers of defeat borrow{occupy} a significant surface, have precise borders, wrong outlines, dark red color, brilliant, with a damp surface, a strip of an exfoliating horn layer эпидермиса. Around of the large centers there are new fine erosion. At children process from large складок can be distributed to a leather{skin} of hips, buttocks, a stomach, a trunk. In depth складок painful{unhealthy} cracks are sometimes formed. Подробнее...