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лечение рецидивирующего герпеса при вич

Комедоны - not inflammatory elements which have arisen as a result of corking устьев of hair follicles. It is necessary to emphasize, that insignificantly expressed комедоны represent the physiological phenomenon. In the beginning of development угревой illnesses микрокомедоны are transformed in so-called "closed" комедоны, that is what have no the free message with a surface of a leather{skin}. They represent плотноватой consistences not inflammatory узелки in diameter up to 2 mm. The gradual increase in these узелков in volume due to constant production of skin bacon creates conditions for transformation of some from them in "open" комедоны (черноточечные акне). Подробнее...

Акне in general elements harmless, but nevertheless it is necessary to know the disturbing symptoms demanding survey of the doctor. It when угрями the big sites of a leather{skin} are struck, their occurrence is accompanied by the raised{increased} temperature, угри big (about a cherry and more) and painful{unhealthy}. Also should guard morbidity in the field of lymph nodes on a neck, under a jaw, before an auricle (reaction лимфоузлов, speaking about expressivenesses of an inflammation). Подробнее...