генетальный герпес у мужчин
Кератинофильные preparations, it is strongly and for a long time contacting horn structures, use advantages of a "slow" way to the full. They collect in матриксе where their very high concentration growing during long therapy are created. After a cancellation of a preparation these concentration are kept depending on his{its} degree кератинофильности. It causes long preservation of therapeutic concentration modern антимикотиков in a nail plate. Подробнее...
The form. Linear - contact дерматит, as at influence of an ivy, or the centers arising on the party{side} of local defeat of a leather{skin} (phenomenon Кебнера), as at псориазе, flat лишае, threadlike лишае; аннулярная - "кольцевидный" the center, with active border and cleared in the center (chronic migrating эритема, ring centrifugal эритема, widespread{distributed} дерматомикоз); circular - округлые defeats (крапивница, stains - predecessors at pink лишае); монетовидная - « the coins stuck together by a column » (монетовидная экзема); каплевидная (каплевидный псориаз); кореподобная with fine merging папулами the unusual form (корь, a medicinal rash); ретикулярная [a marble leather{skin} (livedo reticularis)]; герпетиформная - grouped везикулы, папулы or erosion (herpes simplex); мишенеподобные defeats - two - three concentric circles of various shades (мультиформная эритема). Подробнее...