Мануальная терапия
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- Гирудотерапия
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- Сексопатология

вирус генитальный герпес

Preparations of a choice for the practising doctor дерматолога are complex homeopathist preparations "Сульфодерм" and "Эхнабел" (НПФП Open Company " Алкой "). Direct indications of preparation "Сульфодерм" are: экзема, атопический дерматит, пруриго and a senile itch. "Эхнабел" it is shown at pustular diseases of a leather{skin} and дерматозах, complicated by a secondary infection. Подробнее...

Heterogeneity этиологии онихомикозов helps to explain cases of an inefficiency of lines about - тивогрибковых the means directed only or mainly against дерматофитов. In practice domestic дерматологов research on pathogenic mushrooms usually comes to an end microscopic research, and true этиологическая the structure онихомикоза thus is not always specified. It can explain the reason of an inefficiency many противогрибковых the means quite often appointed not under indications. Подробнее...