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венерические заболевания герпес

The infections caused Penicillium marneffei, эндемичны in Southeast Asia, mainly in Thailand [7]. At ВИЧ-серопозитивных patients with a fever, the general{common} indisposition, папулопустулезными defeats of a leather{skin}, гепатоспленомегалией, easy which travelled across Southeast Asia, in attention the diagnosis of infection P. marneffei should be accepted by an anemia and defeats. In most cases at patients is present far зашедший AIDS and number лимфоцитов CD4 + does not exceed 100 • 1 О6/л. To carry out{spend} differential diagnostics диссеминированных гистоплазмоза, криптококкоза and микобактериальных infections on the basis only the clinical data difficultly so here the anamnesis of travel is extremely important. The diagnosis put on the basis of results of crops of blood, research of a bone brain or биопсии the struck bodies. Подробнее...

Some authors hold the opinion, that purpose{assignment} of system antibiotics considerably reduces displays the HELL, that, probably, is connected to their overwhelming action on суперантигены St. aureus [17]. On our data, system antibacterial therapy stops an aggravation of a secondary skin infection, but at the same time aggravates current дерматита, that, probably, speaks a cross sensitization to плесневым to mushrooms. Подробнее...