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- Похудение
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- Гирудотерапия
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вирус герпеса остр

Этиология, патогенез. Аспергиллы - widely widespread{distributed} in the nature сапрофиты, all-the-year-round allocating disputes. To disease conducts inhalation of a plenty dispute аспергилл, for example at work with заплесневелым гниющим hay, компостом. In патогенезе, except for аллергизирующего and гемолитического influences эндотоксина, the big role decrease{reduction} in reactance of an organism at long and chronic illnesses (plays a tuberculosis, suppurations, новообразования, system illnesses of blood, алкоголизм, etc.) or at long application иммунодепрессивных preparations. Подробнее...

In research it has been included 215 sick (100 men and 115 women, age on the average 62,2 years; from 21 till 95 years) инсулинозависимым a diabetes and онихомикозом which diagnosis confirmed by microscopy and культурального a method. Average duration of fungoid defeat of nails made 4,6 years. More than half (61,3 %) patients received local or system treatment противогрибковыми preparations which has not led to to treatment earlier. In this case циклопирокс appointed not earlier, than through 1 and 6 мес after end of local and system therapy accordingly. In 29,1 % of cases nails of fingers of hands, in 70,9 % - stop have been struck. Подробнее...