герпес на спине лечение герпнса
Teenagers and adults sometimes have apostemes similar to furuncules in a groin and under a mousy - in the places covered with hair and is plentiful потеющих. It is so-called гидраденит - a purulent inflammation special потовых желез, located in these places. At the person these железы do not bear{carry} any important function, the secret allocated by them under influence of skin bacteria (at lack of hygiene), actually, and causes a unpleasant smell of sweat. And at animals the secret of these желез has a smell specific to everyone floor involving an animal of an opposite floor. For this reason the basic problems желез meet an inflammation of these at the teenagers who have reached{achieved} puberty. Подробнее...
Preventive maintenance. Disinfection нательного both bed-clothes during treatment and carrying out of preventive courses of treatment through 1-2 мес after the termination{ending} of treatment, using the same preparations, as for treatment, but applying them within 7-10 days. Подробнее...