Мануальная терапия
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- Офтальмология
- Лор
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- Зависимость
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- Гастроэнтерология
- Пластическая хирургия
- Стоматология
- Эндокринология
- Похудение
- Облысение
- Гирудотерапия
- Маммология
- Сексопатология

герпес генитатьный

It is possible to count the basic adverse factor of early children's age infringement of processes of digestion and всасывания because of транзиторной fermental insufficiency, a dyskinesia билиарного and an intestinal path, a syndrome мальабсорбции, infections гельминтами and the elementary (лямблиоз, энтеробиоз, описторхоз), a hepatites (virus, хламидийный, холестатический). Pathological changes of bodies of digestion are revealed at all patients about the HELL of damage of a mucous membrane of a digestive path and a leather{skin} became the reason of development аутоаллергических processes at 44 % surveyed, вегетососудистых infringements with микроциркуляторными frustration in a leather{skin} - at 87,9 % of children, additional receipt of biologically active substances (products деструкции fabrics, протеолитические enzymes, factors эозинофилов, тромбоцитактивирующий the factor, цитокины, эйкозаноиды). Clinical displays of an inflammation in a leather{skin} - гиперемия, a hypostasis, external экссудация, an itch. The secondary infection quite often accumulates. Подробнее...

Preventive maintenance. Elimination of an opportunity of infection from patients with a candidiasis; the sanitary-engineering control, mechanization and automation of work and means of personal hygiene and preventive maintenance at the enterprises where professional candidiases are possible{probable}. Careful medical supervision over patients by which treatment by antibiotics of a wide spectrum of action is carried out{spent}; parallel purpose{assignment} of vitamins of group In, at an opportunity - periodic replacement of an antibiotic; at long treatment preventive purpose{assignment} of nystatin илилеворина. Подробнее...