Мануальная терапия
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- Сексопатология

герпес его лечение

The huge role congenital, genetically опосредованной ферментопатии the digestive system creating a condition expressed эндогенной of an intoxication is marked. Fermental insufficiency of a stomach and an intestines, accompanying with a dysbacteriosis, a dyskinesia желчевыводящих ways, is shown by insufficient, pathological mastering of the major components of food and synthesis аутоагрессивных complexes toxic and аутоаллергического character. On this background arise нейроэндокринные frustration, a pathological condition калликреин-кининовой systems, infringement of production катехоламинов and protective antibodies, develops hyperproduction IgE. Подробнее...

The activator - a virus of a simple herpes (Herpes Simplex Virus, HSV), large (200нм in diameter), ДНК-CONTAINING, it is known 6 серологических types, are most distributed HSV-I and HSV-II. HSV-I causes a labial herpes, герпетический кератит, meets in 5 % of cases at генитальных and аноректальных defeats, HSV-II - the activator генитального a herpes (up to 95 % of cases). Viruses термолабильны (at 370 инактивируются within 2 hours, heating up to 560 destroys them within 30 minutes), are sensitive to an ether, детергентам, to acids, alcohol. Ways of transfer of the activator: air - drop, contact (including sexual contact (first of all HSV-II)), трансплацентарный, интранатальный (through patrimonial ways). Подробнее...