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герпес детские

Though the founder of homeopathy count Ганемана, the first who has opened homeopathist principles Greek doctor Gippokrat was. It{he} has put in pawn bases of clinical medicine. He{it} had been gave installation, that the primary goal of the doctor is preservation of health (preventive maintenance of illnesses) and treatment of patients. And as he{it} had been put forward two principles " Similia similibus curentur " - similar is treated similar and " Сontraris contrarius curentur " - opposite is treated opposite [1,2] Подробнее...

Congenital алопеция. It is caused by the genetic reasons. It is frequently combined with other congenital defects of a leather{skin}. It is shown significant поредением hair already at a birth or in the first months of a life of the child. Symptomatic облысение. Is complication of heavy general{common} diseases (a sepsis, illnesses of a connecting fabric, a syphilis, etc.). This kind алопеции can be as total, and очаговым and диффузным. The reason of occurrence: development{manufacture} of antibodies to own hair follicles - аутоиммунная reaction. Себорейная алопеция - complication of skin disease себореи. It is usually observed significant поредение hair. The total form of the given kind облысения practically does not meet. Подробнее...