Мануальная терапия
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лечени генитального герпеса

Фитодерматиты ("фито" a plant). The reason - the chemical substances contained in lacteal juice of leaves and stalks, and also in pollen of poisonous plants (to them concern лютиковые, лилейные, молочайные), in particular at their application as compresses for treatment of lumbar and articulate pains. Defeats arise on open sites of a body and are submitted by proof reddening, волдырями, bubbles and other rash. Подробнее...

If during an aggravation the HELL preparations of a choice are антигистаминные preparations of 1-st generation in подострый it is better to appoint the period convenient in the application, not rendering sedative action антигистаминные preparations of 2-nd generation: лоратадин, эбастин, цетиризин, фенистил and others in usual therapeutic dozes. Quite often it is necessary to combine application of preparations of 1-st generation with preparations of 2-nd generation that provides sedative effect necessary by such patient and потенцирует force and duration антигистаминного actions. Подробнее...