рецидивирующий генитальный герпес
The diagnosis and the differential diagnosis. The diagnosis is established on the basis of clinical displays, detection of a mushroom at microscopic research чешуек leather{skin} and opportunities of identification of a kind of the activator at культуральном research. Подробнее...
Activators of a candidiasis are allocated on the average from each third person from intestines, genitals, a bronchial secret. Primary colonization of an organism occurs in patrimonial ways, and after a birth - contact and alimentary way. Инфицирование the child can take place at a candidiasis сосков mothers, from the attendants, through subjects of use, etc. Flashes of a candidiasis at newborns in maternity hospitals Are observed. The sexual way of infection with a candidiasis is possible{probable}, thus in transfer of an infection from the woman to the man frequency rate and massiveness инфицирования, depth of penetration of mushrooms in fabrics of a urethra, trophic changes of its{her} mucous membrane owing to the transferred inflammatory diseases, and also the general{common} condition of an organism matters. In эпидемиологии a candidiasis of genitals at men it is considered the basic a sexual way of transfer of an infection. Подробнее...