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лечение генитального герпеса женщины

Hyperproduction of a secret sebaceous glands - a fragment of such pathological condition of a leather{skin}, as себорея. Себорея is not only quantitative changes of production of skin bacon, but also qualitative: the maintenance{contents} of nonsaturated fat acids decreases, his{its} bactericidal properties are reduced. There is an activization of bacterial flora of a leather{skin} and preconditions for development of inflammatory reaction and occurrence угрей are created. At patients with угрями infringement of processes ороговения in устьях hair follicles where open выводные channels of sebaceous glands - follicular гиперкератоз is observed. In norm of a cell{cage} эпителия воронки a hair follicle ороговевают in rather slow rate, thus horn чешуйки слущиваются in a gleam воронки a follicle also leave on a surface of a leather{skin} together with a secret of sebaceous glands. Гиперкератоз breaks outflow and results in a congestion of a secret in grease iron. In channels of sebaceous glands are formed микрокомедоны - сально-horn fuses which clinically are not shown in any way. The further congestion of a secret and his{its} pressure on corked воронку a follicle results in formation{education} кистозной cavities in the bottom part воронки a hair follicle and to occurrence of clinical attributes of illness as closed комедонов. Constant accumulation of grease and horn weights inside a follicle and finally results their pressure upon surrounding fabrics in an atrophy grease железы, and also to expansion of a mouth of a hair follicle. So are formed open комедоны (or black - dot угри). The secret of sebaceous glands from for a plenty in it{him} horn чешуек becomes dense and is badly deduced on a surface of a leather{skin}. Black color of that part of a secret which is visible through the expanded mouth of a hair follicle, is caused not экзогенным by pollution or oxidation of skin bacon as was considered earlier, and меланином. Apparently, change of processes ороговения in эпителии, and partly and пролиферация cells{cages} somehow mentions меланогенез in the given area. Подробнее...

After knocking over of an aggravation of skin process to the patient individual selection of basic therapy which consists in purpose{assignment} of antagonists of Н1-receptors антигистаминных preparations is carried out{spent}; the preparations possessing, besides антигистаминного actions, ability to brake activation of cells - targets of an allergy, мембраностабилизирующих preparations; топических стероидов, capable to suppress activity of allergic process directly in a leather{skin}. Basic therapy is appointed as in a complex with the basic methods of treatment, and as preventive treatment in the rehabilitation period. Подробнее...