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лечение герпеса шесть б

Риноцеребральный аспергиллез. The chronic sinusitis because of Aspergillus can meet at иммуносостоятельных patients, mainly in tropical areas where intensive contact to disputes грибка takes place. The sharp sinusitis caused Aspergillus, meets only at иммунонесостоятельных patients, in most cases on a background heavy гранулоцитопении. The major symptoms are the pain, a hypostasis around of an eye, ретроорбитальная a pain, then develop проптоз, хемоз and офтальмоплегия eyes. Because of corking a vessel, formation{education} of a blood clot and local некроза the infection can be distributed in a brain, consequence{investigation} of that are decrease{reduction} in consciousness and эпилептические attacks. The clinical picture cannot be distinguished from those at риноцеребральном мукорном a mycosis, and this illness frequently happens fatal. At hardly proceeding sinusitis at the patient with граулоцитопенией, thus, always it is necessary to take into account an opportunity of a fungoid infection. The diagnosis can be put by means of a computer tomography, параназальных sine and биопсии. Intensive surgical treatment and high dozes амфотерицина In are means of a choice if it supposes a condition of the patient. Подробнее...

In more complex{difficult} cases not giving in to local treatment the general{common} means are applied. It first of all трениноин (Ретин-А) or изотретинон (Роаккутан), them accept inside. Treatment by these means should be carried out{be spent} under supervision of the doctor as during treatment carrying out of laboratory tests of function of a liver is necessary. Подробнее...