герпес 18 тип рак
At connection гноеродной infections apply ointments with линкомицином, gentamycin, фузидин-sodium in димексиде. (синафлан, флуцинар, фторокорт, апулеин) it is recommended to use the ointments containing glucocorticoids quickly because of their collateral action. The combined ointments or aerosols with glucocorticoids and antibiotics are more shown: целестодерм, тридерм, оксикорт, гиоксизон. Подробнее...
Treatment гидраденита will consist in opening of the ripened abscess. Application противомикробных and противогрибковых usually effect does not give some ointments. And for the prevention{warning} of relapse treatment of superficial fungoid defeat of a leather{skin} pleated and careful hygiene of these places play a paramount role. Подробнее...