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простой вирус герпеса 2 тип лечение

In 1994 the management{manual} on diagnostics a HELL is developed, allowing to diagnose the HELL with " sensitivity of 85 % and specificity of 96 % ". Following this management{manual}, the diagnosis the HELL is put on the basis of a skin itch, and also 3 or more following attributes: presence in the anamnesis дерматита on сгибательных surfaces of finitenesses (or on cheeks at children 10 years) are younger, than an asthma or a hay fever (or атопии at close relatives for children 4 years), recently transferred генерализованный ксероз, presence экземы on сгибательных surfaces of finitenesses (or on a leather{skin} of cheeks, a forehead are younger and разгибательных surfaces of finitenesses at children 4 years) are younger and (if the child is more senior than 4 years) the beginning of disease in the age of till 2 years. Подробнее...

One of the essential reasons рецидивирующего currents the HELL is also significant colonization of pathogenic flora on a surface of the leather{skin}, caused presence active адгезинов in structure of a cellular wall of microorganisms that supports a bacterial sensitization and hyperproduction IgE [21,23]. Подробнее...