лечение герпеса 7
On data Seebacher and соавт. [14], even at patients than 70 years clinical efficiency циклопирокса as nail polish 90 % are more senior exceeded when the area of defeat made less than 30 % of a nail plate. At the greater area of defeat it is required to more time for элиминации mushrooms and restoration of nails in connection with their slowed down growth in advanced age. In 1993 Ulbricht [13] has shown, that 4-month's therapy циклопироксом as nail polish has led to элиминации mushrooms more, than at 90 % of patients. Микологический the effect did not depend on character онихомикоза and degrees of his{its} weight. It has been earlier established, that циклопирокс it is effective even at рефрактерных the infections caused плесневыми by mushrooms [24.] Seebacher [21] has found out viable mushrooms at the end of treatment циклопироксом only in 10 % of patients. The author did not exclude an opportunity repeated инфицирования through the deformed nails. Подробнее...
At patients with the dry form себореи meet furfur and vulgar угри is more often. Furfur - диффузное a peeling of a leather{skin} волосистой parts of the head, usually not accompanying with the inflammatory phenomena. Occurrence of furfur is caused by activization of activity сапрофитной (accompanying, not pathogenic) the bacterial flora taking root in the uppermost layer of a leather{skin} and breaking it{him} ороговение. Treatment is reduced to rational care of a leather{skin} in view of recommendations дерматолога or the cosmetician. For treatment of furfur use the medicinal and cosmetic preparations containing zinc. Подробнее...