герпес болезнь сниженного иммунитета
Among a wide spectrum of the medical products used for the control over current of a bronchial asthma, allocate preparations for the emergency help and preparations of anti-inflammatory (preventive) action. Thus preference give inhalation methods of introduction of medical products. They are issued as a spray in dosed out aerosols; dosed out aerosols, активируемых breath; a dry powder or powder; and also uses небулайзеров for delivery of medicinal substances in bronchial tubes. Спейсеры (аэрочамберы) facilitate using inhalers. Подробнее...
CANDIDIASIS (кандидамикоз, the milkwoman) - group of the diseases caused дрожжеподобными by mushrooms of sort Candida. Mushrooms of sort Candida find out on fruit, vegetables, in lactic products, sewage бань, etc., they also are often inhabitants (сапрофитами) mucous membranes of an oral cavity, a digestive path, respiratory ways, a vagina, a leather{skin} of healthy people. Экзогенная transfer of mushrooms occurs contact, probably, and in the air - drop way, at the use in I peep the products containing дрожжеподобные mushrooms. Occurrence of a candidiasis is promoted by infringements of protective forces of an organism (heavy истощающие diseases, to a tumour, a diabetes, avitaminosises, etc.), And also long uncontrolled application of antibiotics of a wide spectrum of the action, mucous membranes overwhelming normal microflora and leather{skin}, антагонстов mushrooms of sort Candida. Distinguish кандидамикоз leather{skin} (see the chapter{head} Skin and venereal illnesses), isolated кандидамикоз internal bodies, digestive system, easy, urinogenital system, a vagina, кандидозный a sepsis. Подробнее...