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вагинальный герпес лечение

Clinical research usually gives much more helpful information, than the anamnesis of disease. Inspection of a leather{skin} with the detailed description of defeat will allow to formulate the differential diagnosis irrespective of the anamnesis. Actually, details of the anamnesis of disease only promote specification of the diagnosis. Survey of a leather{skin} should be carried out{be spent} in well covered premise{room} at the patient completely undressed. The additional help is rendered with application of a magnifier and a pocket small lamp for creation of lateral illumination of a surveyed surface of a leather{skin}. Подробнее...

At children defeat of a smooth leather{skin} on stops is characterized мелкопластинчатым by a peeling on an internal surface of trailer phalanxes of fingers, is $more often III and IV or there are superficial, less often deep cracks, mainly in III and IV intermanual складках or under fingers, гиперемией and мацерацией. On soles the leather{skin} can be not changed or amplified{strengthened} skin figure, is sometimes observed кольцевидное a peeling. Subjectively patients are disturbed with an itch. At children is $more often, than at adults, arise экссудативные forms of defeat with formation{education} пузырьков, becoming wet, экземоподобных the centers. They appear not only on stops, but also brushes. Подробнее...