Мануальная терапия
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лечение герпеса в спином мозге

Chronic почечная insufficiency - the most often system disease causing an itch. On rough estimates, the itch is marked almost with 90 % of patients which suffer chronic почечной insufficiency and by which the hemodialysis is carried out{spent}. Almost 50 % of such patients most of all suffer from an itch during time or is direct after a session of a hemodialysis. The reason of an itch at почечной is not clear to insufficiency; consider, that it{he} is connected with secondary гиперпаратиреозом or to increase in blood of concentration of phosphorus and magnesium. At decrease{reduction} сывороточного a level of phosphorus the tendency to reduction of an itch is observed. Подробнее...

Oustanding Russian scientist N.P.Kravkov for a number of years was engaged in studying олигодинамического actions of various substances. N.P.Kravkov has opened, that chemical substances in the strongest cultivations (10-32) where one molecule falls at 3-4 litres of a liquid, have precise an effect on alive protoplasm. This action on the character is opposite to action of usual pharmacological dozes. The technique of pharmacological research of N.P.Kravkova has helped to open the new properties of medicinal substances shown only in the ultraminimal cultivations. N.P.Kravkov explains the mechanism of this action could not. It{he} has come out with the assumption, that molecules in these cultivations dissociate on ions and электроны, i.e. the matter passes in energy. Подробнее...