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венеричесские болезни герпес

At псевдофурункулезе гнойнички superficial, as against a furuncule - flabby, эпидермиса (the superficial layer of a leather{skin}) has no a thin layer covering them of a purulent fuse and is easily removed, under it{him} are visible liquid pus in a small amount and a young leather{skin} of red color. The general{common} condition of the child at this disease practically does not suffer, that specifies superficial character of inflammatory process. However abscesses arise again and again, is frequent in a plenty, that, naturally, frightens parents and demands intervention. Подробнее...

Атопический дерматит " (HELL) - the term included in the International classification of illnesses of the tenth revision, recommended the CART and accepted in Russia, designates defeat of a leather{skin} at children and adults and is characterized by chronic phasic current with the certain клинико-morphological symptoms during the various age periods. There is no another дерматоза, except for the HELL which would have such variety of names in the various countries and even at different scientific schools of the same country. Only some from them: " атопическая экзема ", " конституциональная экзема ", " эндогенная экзема ", "neurodermatitis", "аллергодерматоз", etc. Despite of almost century discussion concerning terminology, hardly it is possible to hope for unification of a designation of this pathological condition of a leather{skin} the nearest years. Подробнее...