хронический рецидивирующий герпес
The candidiasis of a mucous membrane of a mouth is characterized by defeat mucous cheeks, the sky, a pharunx, language, десен, corners of a mouth. Disease begins with гиперемии a mucous membrane, there are individual or plural dot strikes of white color later, is $more often than curdled character, they can merge, forming larger centers (see fig. 5 miniatlases, with. 162). Strikes at соскабливании are easily separated, at long existence (more than 3 мес) become dense, and at tearing away erosion and эрозивные surfaces are observed. At chronic current on a mucous membrane of cheeks alongside with usual strikes sites ороговения серовато-white color, flat, reminding лейкоплакию are formed. In corners of a mouth there are cracks with мацерацией a horn layer эпидермиса. Subjectively patients are disturbed with burning, morbidity at reception of food. Подробнее...
Индуративные угри are characterized by formation{education} deep инфильтратов, an outcome of such condition always is formation рубцов. In some cases in places инфильтратов are formed кистозные the cavities filled with pus which can merge among themselves. Such version carries the name флегмонозных угрей. Prolonged current of this form of disease is usually observed. Quite often индуративные and флегмонозные угри name узловатокистозными. Узловатокистозные угри are an attribute of rather heavy current угревой illnesses. Подробнее...