клиника острого герпеса
At the widespread forms with often relapses it is possible to appoint антимикотики system action: итраконазол on 200 mg day within 7 days; дифлюкан on 50 mg once a day daily during 2-4 нед.; низорал on 200 mg day daily, on the average within 2-3 months. Preventive maintenance. During treatment it is necessary to carry out{spend} disinfection of clothes and linen; to appoint preventive treatment in 1-2 months after the termination{ending} of a rate of therapy; to observe rules of personal hygiene. Подробнее...
With фурункулезом it is not necessary to confuse and youthful spots - акне; they in something are similar to a small furuncule, but as against a furuncule represent infringement of allocation of skin bacon with the subsequent infection formed grease кисты. Акне arise on the person and the top part of a trunk more often, they are especially often at teenagers. It is connected to amplified{strengthened} development{manufacture} of skin bacon during puberty. Thus on a leather{skin} of the person, the top part of a trunk appear filled with bacon fine and larger (up to a pea) eminences, it is usual with seen albesent "head". Such elements name комедоном, at squeezing it{him} skin bacon is allocated. Комедоны have no attributes of an inflammation - a redness, their color does not differ from color of a leather{skin}. But when they нагнаиваются also turn in акне - spots, they redden, and if it is a lot of them, the redness merges. And if комедоны are distinct basically close and practically do not spoil appearance of the teenager presence акне represents the serious cosmetic defect be hurt striking on consciousness of the young man. Подробнее...