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герпес ногтей

By results of the research lead{carried out} by the author at application of antibiotics of a wide spectrum of action for children of somatic branches defeat of a mucous membrane of the oral cavity, caused дрожжеподобными mushrooms, is observed at 6,6 %, a mucous membrane of an oral cavity and a leather{skin} - at 15 %, intestines - at 2,5 %, кандидоносительство in intestines - at 9,2 %. Many researchers came in last years to the conclusion, that the basic contributing factor for occurrence of superficial forms of a candidiasis, including at the ВИЧ-INFECTION and AIDS, are mainly infringements of cellular immunity. Подробнее...

Inflammatory process in акне is caused usually special пропионобактериями, preferring bacon as a nutrient medium. Less often акне are infected стафилококком and other activators. At maturing акне the abscess is opened; if it{he} was big on his{its} place can be generated рубцы, finally strongly spoiling appearance. Подробнее...