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герпес поясничная область

Агонисты short action (сальбутамол, фенотерол, тербуталин), аминофиллин and ипратропия bromide use for knocking over of sharp displays of a bronchial asthma and rendering of the emergency help to children in приступном the period of disease. Агонисты appoint no more than 4 times day. Теофиллин apply at heavy attacks of a bronchial asthma intravenously in a daily doze of 5-10 mg on 1 kg of weight of a body to children till 3 years and from 10-15 mg on 1 kg for children in the age of from 3 till 15 years. Подробнее...

Fungoid diseases are widely distributed everywhere. Most frequently there are mycosises stop (brushes), quite often accompanying with defeat of nail plates. The second place on prevalence mycosises with defeat волосистой borrow{occupy} parts of a head. Rather it is frequently registered multi-coloured or отрубевидный deprive. Подробнее...