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центр лечения герпеса

In многоцентровом research at 215 patients инсулинозависимым the diabetes had been investigated efficiency and bearableness циклопирокса (Батрафена) as nail polish. Average duration of a fungoid infection of nails has made 4,6 years. At 61,3 % of patients therapy which was inefficient was earlier carried out{was earlier spent}. Циклопирокс as nail polish rendered on the struck nails within 6 months. Patients examined monthly. For an estimation of efficiency of treatment measured the area of defeat with the help самоклеящейся a millimetric film and планиметрии. After treatment циклопироксом the area of defeat of nails has decreased with 63,5 up to 27,2 %. Микологическое treatment has been achieved at 80 % of patients. Bearableness of a preparation was good. Only 5 from 215 patients complained of easy burning in the beginning of treatment. Taking into account simplicity and convenience of application, high efficiency and absence of risk of serious undesirable effects or interactions with other preparations, циклопирокс as nail polish it is possible to count means of a choice of treatment онихомикоза at patients with a diabetes. Klin. фармакол. тер., 1998, 7 (3), 87-91. Подробнее...

Clinic. Superficial трихофитией children (see fig. 5 in the miniatlas on page 158) are $more often болеют. The incubatory period makes till 7 days. At defeat волосистой parts of a head appear the fine centers with precise borders, округлой or the oval form, without the inflammatory phenomena, with the insignificant peeling, shortly broken off hair - on 2-4 mm from a level of a leather{skin} on all surface of the center. On a smooth leather{skin} there are centers округлой or the oval form, with the precise borders, the towering platen consisting from пузырьков and crusts, bright red color, on the size they larger, than on a head (see fig. 6 in the miniatlas on page 158). Подробнее...