герпес первого типа
Clinical attributes vary depending on type of a virus and localization of formations{educations}. Морфологически formations{educations} represent papillomas with the wide or thin basis, on centuries, a neck - as нитчатых выростов. In usual and подошвенных warts the thickening and superfluous ороговение superficial layers of cells{cages} is expressed. Peaked papillomas ано-генитальной areas usually soft, lobular, it is plentiful васкуляризованные, in a leg is present лимфоцитарная инфильтрация. It is known, that at chronic mechanical irritation (friction) of a wart 3-5 sm in diameter can reach{achieve}. Подробнее...
Фитодерматиты ("фито" a plant). The reason - the chemical substances contained in lacteal juice of leaves and stalks, and also in pollen of poisonous plants (to them concern лютиковые, лилейные, молочайные), in particular at their application as compresses for treatment of lumbar and articulate pains. Defeats arise on open sites of a body and are submitted by proof reddening, волдырями, bubbles and other rash. Подробнее...