герпес пиявки
Fungoid diseases (mycosises) make a significant part of an infectious pathology of a leather{skin}. Activators of mycosises are антропофильные the mushrooms parasitizing on the person, зоофильные, transferable{tolerable} animals, and also conditional - pathogenic organisms, basically дрожжеподобные mushrooms of sort Candida. Подробнее...
Sulfur (Sulfur) and its{her} inorganic connections are applied in medicine since the most ancient times at skin diseases. Medical action of sulfur is used rather widely in balneology. Treatment by sulfuric waters is used at a various sort diseases, including at chronic diseases of a leather{skin}. From inorganic connections of sulfur the following preparations now are applied: тиосульфат the sodium, the cleared sulfur, sulfate of calcium, сульфаниламиды. Sulfur - the strongest activator of various frustration of a sulfuric (albuminous) exchange and, really, is a medical product of paramount value. Selectivity of sulfur to a leather{skin} has long since made sulfur the main medical means in homeopathy at skin illnesses. Подробнее...