герпес пальцы фаланги
The local form: after short (some hours) продромального the period accompanying with a local itch or гиперестезией, on a leather{skin} and mucous membranes appear single or grouped intense пузырьки in diameter up to 1,2 sm containing a transparent liquid, on отечном гиперемированном the basis. Высыпания are located on red кайме lips, in носогубном a triangle, less often on a mucous membrane of a mouth, a throat, конъюнктиве, at генитальной to the form - on mucous genitals and a leather{skin} ано-генитальной areas. Weak morbidity and increase регионарных lymph nodes is marked. Healing высыпаний occurs with 7 for 14 day. Relapses can arise some times in one year. For генитального a herpes typically spontaneous opening пузырьков and formation{education} of painful{unhealthy} superficial ulcers, rise in temperature, миалгии, weakness, дизурия. Подробнее...
The diagnosis and the differential diagnosis. The diagnosis is put on the basis of clinical displays, detection of the activator in чешуйках leather{skin} at microscopic research and a characteristic yellow or brown luminescence under Wood's luminescent lamp, positive test with iodine. To differentiate disease in a sharp stage it is necessary from pink depriving Жибера, syphilitic розеол, at long current from the pigmentation observed after the sanction of various skin diseases, at presence депигментированных spots with syphilitic лейкодермой, and also dry стрептодермией. Подробнее...