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диагностика герпеса половых органов

Candidiasis of a mucous membrane of genitals (кандидозный вульвовагинит). Disease can proceed in the sharp and chronic form. The sharp form of a candidiasis is characterized гиперемией a mucous membrane of genitals, puffiness, presence fine пузырьков at which opening fine erosion with stratification of curdled or gentle strikes of white color are formed. At the chronic form the mucous membrane of a threshold and a vagina застойно гиперемирована, отечна, инфильтрирована, are available strikes of curdled character as the separate centers or a continuous surface. In the field of a threshold and промежности erosion and bleeding cracks, less often - the phenomena of an atrophy of a mucous membrane are sometimes observed. At sharp and chronic forms вульвовагинита are marked allocation curdled or сливкообразной consistences. Subjectively patients are disturbed with an itch amplifying during time менструации, and also in second half of day after long walking. The feeling of burning in area расчесов at мочеиспускании can result in a delay of urine. The aggravation кандидозного вульвовагинита is mainly observed before менструальным a cycle. Подробнее...

The local form: after short (some hours) продромального the period accompanying with a local itch or гиперестезией, on a leather{skin} and mucous membranes appear single or grouped intense пузырьки in diameter up to 1,2 sm containing a transparent liquid, on отечном гиперемированном the basis. Высыпания are located on red кайме lips, in носогубном a triangle, less often on a mucous membrane of a mouth, a throat, конъюнктиве, at генитальной to the form - on mucous genitals and a leather{skin} ано-генитальной areas. Weak morbidity and increase регионарных lymph nodes is marked. Healing высыпаний occurs with 7 for 14 day. Relapses can arise some times in one year. For генитального a herpes typically spontaneous opening пузырьков and formation{education} of painful{unhealthy} superficial ulcers, rise in temperature, миалгии, weakness, дизурия. Подробнее...