Мануальная терапия
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- Пластическая хирургия
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- Похудение
- Облысение
- Гирудотерапия
- Маммология
- Сексопатология

герпес сипь

Treatment of a candidiasis of genitals should be also differentiated depending on the form of defeat (sharp, chronic). At the women, suffering chronic frequently рецидивирующим a candidiasis, it is necessary to investigate кал on mushrooms as the primary center of a mycosis can be in intestines, and on a dysbacteriosis. At the sharp form of a candidiasis without accompanying diseases it is possible to be limited to application only external антимикотических means - азоловых connections as a cream, ointment or вагинальных tablets (клотримазол, оксиконазол, кетоконазол, etc.) . At the chronic form of a candidiasis appoint антимикотики system action: флуконазол on 150 mg once a week, duration of therapy 2-3 нед; итраконазол on 200 mg in day of 3-5 days; кетоконазол on 400 mg day within 15 days if clinical displays were not resolved, treatment should be continued, but to apply кетоконазол on 200 mg day 2-4 more нед. Simultaneously it is necessary to use антимикотические means for local application. Подробнее...

After knocking over of sharp displays of a bronchial asthma in some cases there is a necessity of purpose{assignment} бронхоспазмолитических preparations of prolonged action. Among them allocate агонисты long action: 1) сальметерол, 2) формотерол, 3) кленбутерол. The beginning бронхоспазмолитического actions begins through 1-3 mines after inhalation, the therapeutic effect is kept during 12 ч. Preparations appoint 1-2 times day with a view of maintenance of an optimum level in blood during 12 ч for the prevention{warning} of night and morning attacks of a bronchial asthma. Подробнее...