Мануальная терапия
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кондиломы герпес

The deep located candidiasis. Спорадически meet гематогенно arisen deep located infections Candida, such as an osteomyelitis, спондилодисцит, an arthritis, эндофтальмит and an abscess of a liver. In most cases кандидемия which has led to to occurrence of the absent-minded center, remains unnoticed. Besides the deep located infections can arise as ascending infections of uric ways that happens at patients with a diabetes or after change of kidneys. In some cases it can conduct to formation{education} so-called фунгусного a sphere in лоханке (fig. 2). Very seldom infection Candida results in an isolated pneumonia. At the overwhelming majority иммунонесостоятельных patients with легочным инфильтратом at which from мокроты высеивается Candida, colonization takes place. Подробнее...

Direct influence of inhalation allergens on development of skin displays has been confirmed with the help of statement of patch-tests with an extract of ticks of a domestic dust on already damaged{injured} sites of a leather{skin} of patients the HELL as a result of which the expressed aggravation of skin process [16] was observed. It is shown, that the most important role in development and maintenance the HELL belongs to household allergens: to ticks of a domestic dust, the most domestic dust, cockroaches, and also эпидермальным and to fungoid allergens. The tick of domestic dust Dermatophagoides pteronissinus represents the basic antigenic material of a domestic dust. There is an opinion, that the aggravation of skin process at the HELL is connected as to the general{common} inhalation influence of ticks of a domestic dust, and with direct their contact to a leather{skin} [17]. The significant role in развии the HELL is played also with a sensitization to disputes плесневых mushrooms to which concern Penicillium, Aspergillus, Cladosporium, Alternaria, Mucor, etc. Some from these mushrooms are made multiple copies by спорообразования all-the-year-round (for example, Aspergillus, Penicillium), others, living on plants - in the spring, in the summer and in the autumn (for example, Cladosporium, Alternaria) [11]. Patients, сенсибилизированных to плесневым to mushrooms, more often, than at others, have changes on a leather{skin}, characteristic for the fungoid infection caused Pityrosporum ovale. Pollen allergens also render the big influence on development of skin and accompanying respiratory displays at patients the HELL. However it is far from being always for such patients typically seasonal alternation of relapses and remissions a HELL, connected with пылением plants, at some patients, despite of presence of a sensitization to pollen allergens, clinical remission of skin process is marked, but at the same time there are clinical displays поллиноза in years{summer} months. As opposed to this we observed patients with an aggravation the HELL during a season поллинации, протекавшим without any respiratory displays поллиноза. Подробнее...