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- Сексопатология

герпес на лице лечение

Фотодерматит - is original allergic process where "inclusion" solar is necessary, in particular ultra-violet beams. As allergens medical products (сульфаниламиды, гризеофульвин, ихтиол, антигистаминные preparations, кортикостероиды, etc.), the substances included in lipsticks, washing-up liquids, radio oils, cologne, spirits act. Подробнее...

Cryptococcus neoformans - everywhere meeting barmy грибок which can be isolated mainly from excrement of birds. The meningitis caused С. neoformans, is observed exclusively at patients with the reduced Т-cellular immunity (see tab. 1). In the past this infection was observed at patients after transplantations which received treatment глюкокортикостероидами or тимоцитарным an antibody; at a part of patients it was impossible to specify contributing factors. Now we notice криптококковый a meningitis, mainly at the ВИЧ-INFECTION [6]. Подробнее...