герпес интерфероновый
In research it has been included 215 sick (100 men and 115 women, age on the average 62,2 years; from 21 till 95 years) инсулинозависимым a diabetes and онихомикозом which diagnosis confirmed by microscopy and культурального a method. Average duration of fungoid defeat of nails made 4,6 years. More than half (61,3 %) patients received local or system treatment противогрибковыми preparations which has not led to to treatment earlier. In this case циклопирокс appointed not earlier, than through 1 and 6 мес after end of local and system therapy accordingly. In 29,1 % of cases nails of fingers of hands, in 70,9 % - stop have been struck. Подробнее...
The diagnosis and the differential diagnosis. The diagnosis is established on the basis of clinical displays, detection of a mushroom at microscopic research чешуек leather{skin} and opportunities of identification of a kind of the activator at культуральном research. Подробнее...