Мануальная терапия
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- Гирудотерапия
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быстрое избавление от герпесана губе

Differential diagnostics of a simple herpes is carried out{spent} with: Herpes zoster, a chicken pox, генитальными ulcer defeats, везикулярным дерматозом, medicinal дерматитом. Laboratory diagnostics: a cytologic method in a combination to a method of fluorescing antibodies-МФА, культивирование a virus on хорионаллантоисной to an environment of chicken embryos, cells{cages} VERO, it is most sensitive and specific - полимеразная chain reaction (ПЦР). Подробнее...

Arise at direct influence on a leather{skin} of the substances, capable to cause allergic reaction of the slowed down type. Symptoms and current. On a place of contact to allergen reddening, puffiness, папулы and микровезикулы develop. The part from them is opened, forming sites мокнутия. At repeated influences of allergens there can be a transformation дерматита in экзему. Подробнее...