простой герпес противовирусное лечение
Efficiency антигистаминных preparations I of generation is established for a long time. Their medical action begins quickly, within 15-20 minutes. However, possessing a number{line} of collateral properties and тахианафилаксией, them supersede антигистаминные preparations II and III generations more and more. Duration of course treatment антигистаминными preparations depends on a degree of weight атопического дерматита. At the heaviest displays атопического дерматита use парентеральное introduction антигистаминных preparations, at easy and среднетяжелом current are limited to reception пероральных forms. Подробнее...
Diagnostics генерализованных mycosises is complicated, as frequently it is impossible to lead{carry out} distinction between colonization and an infection (mainly at infection Candida), crops become positive only in a late stage of illness, and for the present{true} moment is not present authentic серологических техник for routine diagnostics of the majority of infections. Treatment генерализованных mycosises also is complicated. Accessible means are ineffective (in comparison with efficiency of antibiotics against bacteria), and application of older means, амфотерицина In (arnfotericine В) and флюцитозина (flucytosine), is limited to their toxicity. The broken immunity of the owner, insufficiently sensitive methods of diagnostics and imperfection of treatment are the reasons of that death rate from генерализованных mycosises is still unacceptable is high. Подробнее...