герпес пузырьковый лечение
Аллергенспецифическая иммунотерапия (АСИТ) is an example the only thing of the antiallergic treatment influencing all патогенетически significant parts of allergic process and giving long preventive effect after end of medical rates [31] .Эффективность АСИТ it is well investigated and proved at respiratory displays of an allergy - allergic риноконъюнктивите, a bronchial asthma. Thanking АСИТ decrease{reduction} in fabric sensitivity allergen is formed, there is a decrease{reduction} in nonspecific fabric hyperreactance, there is an oppression of attributes of an allergic inflammation that testifies for the benefit of reorganization of character cellular and цитокинового the answer with Тh2-on the Тh1-answer. In the accessible literature there are individual data on application АСИТ at the HELL, they rather разноречивы: In one it is spoken about an inefficiency and danger of this method, in others, - opposite, about a positive effect as concerning skin, and respiratory displays [32-34]. It is shown, that the nature of skin displays at the HELL and respiratory symptoms at a bronchial asthma has the general{common} Т-cellular immune mechanism, but various points of his{its} appendix. The allergic answer arises in a body - target, whether it be a leather{skin} at the HELL or mucous a respiratory path at an allergic rhinitis or a bronchial asthma. In that and other case it is observed local инфильтрация by Тh2-cells, секретирующими proinflammatory цитокины, there is a damage эпителия, being consequence{investigation} of an allergic inflammation of fabrics. This circumstance proves application АСИТ at the HELL, is especial at his{its} combination to a respiratory allergy. Подробнее...
At a candidiasis of a smooth leather{skin} large, fine складок and other sites of a leather{skin} use противогрибковые means as a cream or ointments: клотримазол, оксиконазол, кетоконазол, натамицин, бифоназол, эконазол. A cream render a thin layer on the centers of defeat and rub 1-2 times in day, treatment carry out{spend} up to the sanction of clinical displays, then it is necessary to continue application of a cream within 7-10 days for preventive maintenance of relapse. At the widespread processes on a leather{skin} and inefficient local therapy appoint антимикотики system action - флуконазол in a doze of 100-200 mg, итраконазол (100-200 mg), кетоконазол (200 mg) 1 time day daily, and also an antibiotic полиенового lines натамицин (the adult on 100 mg 4 times day, to children on 50 mg 2-4 times day). Duration of therapy makes 2-4 нед. Подробнее...