герпес на шее лечение
On modern representations, bacteria are not the direct reason of disease, they only provoke local inflammatory processes. On a leather{skin} and in hair follicles constantly are present such сапрофитные microorganisms, as липофильные mushrooms of sort Pytirosporum, Staphylococcus epidermidis and Propionibacterium acnes. The greatest role in development of an inflammation at угревой illnesses play Propionibacterium acnes - грамположительные motionless липофильные sticks which are facultative анаэробами. Corking of a mouth of a hair follicle and a congestion of skin bacon inside him{it} create preconditions for duplication of these microorganisms inside воронки a hair follicle. Constant duplication P. acnes in a follicle which is found out at a stage микрокомедонов, results in increase of activity of metabolic processes, consequence{investigation} of it is allocation медиаторов inflammations. For example, during ability to live P. acnes allocate липазы which split триглицериды skin bacon on the fat acids causing damage эпителия of a follicle. Damaging{injuring} action on эпителий possess and протеолитические the enzymes allocated P. acnes. Подробнее...
ДРС it is formed at children of the first years of a life, атопический дерматит thus precedes development of a bronchial asthma. On occurrence ДРС at children essential influence is rendered with genetic factors. So, hereditary predisposition to allergic diseases is observed at 63,8-70 % of children [2]. And in families of the child with ДРС displays both skin, and a respiratory allergy equally are frequently registered. The fact of high revealing at parents and relatives a progang of diseases of bodies of digestion (45-57 %) [1, 3] is marked also, that, apparently, promotes the raised{increased} permeability of a mucous membrane of a gastroenteric path for food allergens. Among the factors promoting occurrence ДРС at children, allocate virus infections and the transferred pneumonias, it is especial on the first year of a life; residing at areas with an ecological adverse situation; High level of allergenic loading on an organism of the child in антенатальном, интранальном and the subsequent periods of his{its} development. One of features ДРС at children is fast expansion of a spectrum этиологически significant allergens with formation at the child of a polyvalent sensitization to various kinds (food, household, клещевым, pollen, эпидермальным and fungoid) to allergens, as causes continuously рецидивирующее his{its} current. Подробнее...