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первоначальное заражение герпесом

Lightning угри (acne fulminans) represent the rare and heavy form угревой illnesses. Disease arises more often at young men in the age of 13-18 years, suffering easy папулопустулезной, less often - узловатокистозной the form угрей, and is characterized by the sudden beginning, occurrence язвенно-некротических elements (mainly on a trunk) and the general{common} symptoms. Some authors consider{examine} acne fulminans as a sharp ulcer variant acne conglobata, however the majority of researchers count, that such form of disease is closest to гангренозной пиодермии. Этиология acne fulminans it is not quite clear. Assume, that in патогенезе illnesses play a role infectious - allergic or токсико-allergic mechanisms. It is known, that acne fulminans arises at patients with heavy chronic diseases (illness the Crone, ulcer колит, etc.) . At the same time, it is marked, that some patients before occurrence acne fulminans accepted antibiotics тетрациклинового lines, synthetic ретиноиды, андрогены. Подробнее...

Интертригинозная the form meets most frequently and is characterized by insignificant reddening and a peeling on lateral adjoining surfaces of fingers or мацерацией, presence of erosion, superficial or deep cracks in all складках stop. This form can be transformed in дисгидротическую at which are formed пузырьки or bubbles in the field of vaults, on external and internal edge{territory} stop and in intermanual складках. Superficial пузырьки are opened with formation{education} of erosion which can merge, in result the centers of defeat with precise borders, мокнутием (see fig. on a color insert, page 198) are formed. At connection of a bacterial infection arise пустулы, лимфадениты and лимфангоиты. At дисгидротической to the form of a mycosis are observed secondary allergic высыпания on lateral and ладонных surfaces of fingers of brushes, palms, forearms, shins. Sometimes disease gets chronic current with an aggravation during spring-and-summer time. Подробнее...