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простой герпес и беременность

Oustanding Russian scientist N.P.Kravkov for a number of years was engaged in studying олигодинамического actions of various substances. N.P.Kravkov has opened, that chemical substances in the strongest cultivations (10-32) where one molecule falls at 3-4 litres of a liquid, have precise an effect on alive protoplasm. This action on the character is opposite to action of usual pharmacological dozes. The technique of pharmacological research of N.P.Kravkova has helped to open the new properties of medicinal substances shown only in the ultraminimal cultivations. N.P.Kravkov explains the mechanism of this action could not. It{he} has come out with the assumption, that molecules in these cultivations dissociate on ions and электроны, i.e. the matter passes in energy. Подробнее...

Фотодерматит - is original allergic process where "inclusion" solar is necessary, in particular ultra-violet beams. As allergens medical products (сульфаниламиды, гризеофульвин, ихтиол, антигистаминные preparations, кортикостероиды, etc.), the substances included in lipsticks, washing-up liquids, radio oils, cologne, spirits act. Подробнее...