Мануальная терапия
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- Гирудотерапия
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- Сексопатология

герпес 1 и беременность

For studying efficiency of these preparations, we observed 30 patients экземой and 30 patients пиодермией, accepting accordingly complex homeopathist preparations "Сульфодерм" and "Эхнабел" on a background of usual therapy. Supervision over two control groups accordingly on 30 person in everyone were simultaneously carried out{simultaneously spent}. Patients of control groups received only classical therapy. At patients with экземой general therapy has consisted basically from гипосенсибилизирующих, антигистаминных preparations and vitamins of group of V.Obshchaja therapy at patients пиодермией included antibacterial therapy, антигистаминные preparations and vitamins of group In, by S.Pri neobhodimosti the means directed on treatment of accompanying diseases were included. During carrying out of supervision at one patient it was not observed aggravations or deterioration of disease. Подробнее...

Seldom there is a candidiasis of palms and soles. On palms disease can proceed as dry lamellar дисгидроза (superficial lamellar, кольцевидное or гирляндообразное a peeling); везикулезно-пустулезной forms (пузырьки and пустулы on a background гиперемированной and отечной leather{skin}); on type гиперкератотической экземы (on a background диффузного гиперкератоза or separate sites of the become horny leather{skin} are observed sharply limited wide skin борозды, having dirty - brown painting). The candidiasis of a leather{skin} of soles is observed mainly at children and characterized by presence fine пузырьков and пустул, гиперемированных spots with a peeling and exfoliating мацерированным эпидермисом on periphery. Подробнее...