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лечение герпеса лазером

At diagnostics угревой illnesses should be remembered also that there are the diseases clinically similar to it{her}, but having other патогенез. Primarily there is an inflammatory reaction of the сально-hair device without комедонов. It is rather wide group various дерматозов. To it{her} carry pink угри, периоральный дерматит, саркоидоз, a tuberculosis of a leather{skin}. Remind угревую a rash displays of a secondary syphilis - папулезный себорейный and папулопустулезный сифилид can also. The given fact needs to be taken into account in conditions present{true} эпидобстановки, the desease connected to growth by a syphilis. Подробнее...

Would be a mistake to count, that the risk онихомикоза is raised{increased} only at elderly patients with a diabetes. It{he} is not lower and at younger patients conducting{leading} an active way of life. Such patients, as a rule, are engaged in physical exercises and various kinds of sports. These employment{occupations} are connected to the raised{increased} risk of traumas and scratchs of a leather{skin}, significant потоотделением, carrying of tight clothes and footwear, often contact to water. All these factors promote development онихомикоза. Nevertheless the basic growth of frequency of a fungoid infection is marked after achievement of 40 years [20]. Подробнее...