Мануальная терапия
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- Гирудотерапия
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лечение рецидива полового герпеса

The homeopathist method of treatment strikingly differs from аллопатического. Subjective symptoms or sensations for the doctor of the general{common} medicine have values for specification of the diagnosis, but not for treatment. The doctor the homeopathist vividly is interested in all pathological sensations of the patient as it will help it{him} to pick up a preparation correctly. In these symptoms the doctor sees the person of the patient. Подробнее...

At newborns диссеминированная герпетическая the infection is shown plural полиорганными by defeats at which attributes энцефалита prevail, respiratory дистресс-syndrome, надпочечниковой insufficiency, with high летальностью (up to 50 %). Подробнее...