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герпес 2 степениThe success of therapy ДРС essentially depends from revealed accompanying ДРС a pathology demanding adequate and purposeful correction without which it is difficult enough to achieve proof remission of disease. Therapy of children with ДРС is complex medical products demanding combined selection which action is directed on knocking over of sharp displays атопического дерматита, bronchial asthma, and also purpose{assignment} of basic anti-inflammatory therapy with the purpose of the long control over their current. She{it} has the certain difficulties connected first of all with complexity of selection of medicamentous means because of quite often meeting their individual intolerance. Necessity of purpose{assignment} at ДРС medicamentous medical products with various mechanisms actions and various terms of application demands the strict and their rational combination warning полипрагмазию, but providing therapeutic efficiency. Features of clinical current сочетанных forms of a skin and respiratory allergy and the pathogenetic infringements revealed at ДРС, allow to offer the following therapeutic program consisting of seven parts connected among themselves Подробнее... Диссеминированный аспергиллез. At patients with kept гранулоцитопенией can arise диссеминация infections in other bodies, more often from the center пульмонального аспергиллеза. The centers of dispersion can arise in a leather{skin} that enables for diagnostics, in bones or internal bodies (a liver, a spleen, kidneys, a thyroid gland). Localization in a brain (гематогенный an abscess of a brain) is the most dangerous, she{it} is characterized by very high death rate. Despite of widespread{distributed} диссеминированную an infection, practically never it is possible высеять Aspergillus from blood or a spinal liquid. Подробнее...
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