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Parents should understand, that presence акне at the teenager causes a number{line} of the psychological problems connected to decrease{reduction} of his{its} self-estimation. Parents should calm the child, try to correct defects in a diet and a way of life. The teenager should know, that акне - business time, it is important to adjust it{him} on persevering and patient performance of the mentioned above medical measures during enough long time - 2-4 months. Подробнее...
The certain role as trigger factors is played with microbic flora - Staphylococcus aureus, Pityrosporum ovale, Candida, an infection of the top respiratory ways. The role of sexual hormones proves to be true aggravations or remissions which arise depending on a stage of a monthly cycle, during pregnancy and менопаузы the role of stress as factor, индуцирующего and supporting pathological process in an organism Is important. In unsuccessful families conditions for synchronization of illness are created, depression and fear can become starting agents of disease or complicate current of illness, lower a threshold of sensitivity an itch. Подробнее...